Earlier in September when Apple announced the revolutionary iPhone X, it introduced it as the "phone of the future", one that would chart a path for the smartphone industry to follow for the next decade. The device for what it's worth comes with interesting features, but none – including Apple's take on facial recognition, FaceID – can truly be called revolutionary.
However, things look to be going from bad to worse for this former maverick of the tech industry, as South Korean tech giant, Samsung, which over the years has been accused of copying features and design elements from the iPhone lineup is looking all set to come out with a revolutionary feature that the Apple will have to bring onboard the future iPhones.
If reports are to be believed, Samsung's next high-end flagship device, the Galaxy X, will come with a foldable display that would make it more of a contender to be called the phone of the future than the iPhone X. What's more, the news of this smartphone with a foldable display is not even the result of the idle churnings of the rumour mill, but rather emanates from the information shared by none other than Samsung mobile's chief, DJ Koh.
Koh had recently revealed that Samsung's long rumoured foldable display device could see the light of the day sometime in 2018. If and when this phone finally arrives, it would mark a day when the smartphone industry is truly plunged into the future. By successfully implementing foldable OLED display on phones, Samsung would mainstream a technology that could very well define the next decade of smartphone technology – much like the multi-touch display on the original iPhone did in 2007.
Though other manufacturers have also tried their hands on the technology, with Lenovo even showing off a prototype last year, its Samsung's rumoured implementation of the bendable display that for now at least looks to be head and shoulders above the rest.
Being one of the first players to try its hands at bendable displays – Samsung showed off its first prototype in 2011 – the tech giant has shown multiple concept videos of foldable mobile devices, that could fold out from a phone-sized screen to a tablet-sized one.
Why should you be excited?
The simple answer to this lies in the endless possibilities that foldable display brings with it. To the uninitiated, the idea of a foldable phone may sound like the latest gimmick from smartphone makers, but in reality, it's anything but that. Unlike the squeezable frame of the HTC U11, foldable displays could actually serve a great purpose in solving major design bottlenecks that modern day smartphones face.
A case in point is Lenovo's CPlus – a concept phone that can be wrapped around the user's wrist like a slap bracelet. No denying that it looks cool and is built to wow, but what it also does is provide a viable alternative to smartwatches. By being slapped on the user's wrist, the device instantly becomes a smartwatch, one that has more power and functionality than any smartwatch or fitness band available in the market right now.
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